point Erin pool

Kia Ora

Rahma here from room 20

last week year 6 got to go to point Erin pool and it was so fun and I even jumped off the diving board and the slide and it  was scary at first and as i got use to it it became even funner and it pool was so deep and i still managed to get to the bottom and back up without drowning okay bye.

Maritime Museum trip

Kia Ore blogger

On Friday the 15th of September the Hive went to the Maritime Museum. Unfortunately, it was too windy to sail on the Ted Ashby, an old-fashioned sailing boat, but I still had a great time.
Here are the three top things I learned.

make bees wax wrap

Kia Ora blogger this is what we did yesterday. It was so fun and I had lots of fun making bees wax wrap. I even wrapped my sandwich today. It is cool.

the way it work is i peace of cloth and some bees wax and you just have to melt it with the iron and done

Did you have fun yesterday?

ponder 8

Kia ore blogger the animals i would mix together is cat and I kitten and it will look like this

and the super power it will be independent, cute and fast. blog you later